Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Crisis Actors in Las Vegas

all the people that got killed at the Las Vegas mass muder event were crisis actors. Nothing like that can happen. It isn't possible, and especially a white guy wouldn't do that. a black man, yeah. that is possible. just look at Chicago. and see what they do there with their blacks! they just let them run loose!  

okay.  just like the Sandy hook conspiracy people, no one got shot in Las Vegas, the city of dreams.  this one time I went to Las Vegas and I didn't get shot by a white man.  but I did see this one black guy.  he had a hat on, and looked pretty suspicious to me. 

okay you liberals. lets thingkabout this. number one: you cannot shoot bullets that far. number two: even if you could shoot bullets that far, no one would have been killed. number three: guns don't kill people, people kill people, so it is impossible that 58 people had their bodies ripped apart by bullets. that is only in the liberal media mind.  

everyone who got shot and killed were crisis actors, just like all those kids in Sandy Hook. it was a staged event, and the liberals are just trying to make us feel guilty. what they want to do, it take away our guns and then force us to do art work and stuff.

Oh this is a fake staged event.  NO one got shot in Las Vegas.  That isn't possible unless it involves a black.  These liberals with dead loved ones just are looking for a payday, just like the blacks.  MGM is a nice place to sit on my fat and watch movies about dogs or something.  I cannot believe they are responsible.  What we should do, is form a Department of Homeland Security, as a republican I always support expanding the powers of the federal government, if it benefits me.  otherwise, I have a real problem with BIG government.