About the Author: Gunning for Love

Gunning for Love on Planet E-3

A Resume

Mailing Address:  null

Electronic Mail: onewithbaby@gmail.com

Job Objectives:

  • Hanging Out
  • Talking a Lot
  • Screwing Around

First of all,  am not terribly good at remembering things.  If you said that you needed this or that done for you, I am likely to nod my head and say "yes, sir, I'll get on that right away for you."  Moments later, because of all the drinking, I often cannot recall what it was that I was supposed to do.  

Another thing is if I hear something explained that I really don't get too well, I'm kind of too embarrassed to ask for clarification.  I would rather do something wrong than be thought too stupid to understand my position.  This comes mainly from my male pride, you see, I want the world to think very highly of me.  

When things do go wrong, however, I am good at problem solving--pointing the finger at someone else.  This helps weed out the "seeds that fell onto rocky ground and couldn't take strong root,” as the Bible says.  This is another one of my strong points:  I am really good at the dynamics of espirit de corp.

I am quick to apply my own brand of Biblical exegesis.  As the good books points out, to "pull yourself up by your bootstraps,"  and, "God makes a sinner work!"  I have found this a good force in motivating others to be more productive on the job (time equals money, as Einstein famously said).  This being, who can argue with psychology?    

Job Skills:
  • The Twitter Machines
  • News whoring
  • World Wide Web
  • Writing electronic 
  • Surfing for pornography/masturbation
  • Getting Windows for free
  • Mind reading your pet
  • Psychic stalking 
  • Ouija boards to summon demons
  • Practicing idolatry 
  • Bathrooms
  • Smashing stuff
  • Appearing to be working while "on the clock"
  • Running around in circles
  • Hoarding drug candy
  • Speaking without listening
  • Drinking 
  • Dance blaspheming  (What I look like when I dance)
 Do I really have to answer "have you ever committed a felony?  Boy!"  (To reorder. Edit and I can file my thing just fine.)  As a side hobby I like to have sexual intercourse, after all, life is more than just serial killing.

My writing credits include:

  • The Bastard wore Green, A Closer Look at Bastards Who Wear Green
  • Poems of the Emotionally Disturbed, the Romantic Year
  • American Outhouses You should know
  • Making it Big in Bastardization, a Memoir
  • Are you Shitting Me: the Rachael Train Story!
  • The Branding of Jesus Christ, an Intimate look at Republicans
  • How to think for yourself by being Told How to Think
  • Opinions on the Internet you should Read

One last thing about me: Um: this photograph: a picture of [deleted for obscenity] I took when I was in the strangle (sic) world of "Off-line," fabled to exist somewhere away from my keyboard. This photograph a group chat doesn't look as good as the others

An excerpt from my new book, "The Branding of Jesus Christ, an Intimate look at the Republican Party:"
I feel like a bit from the bottle right, can't a chap take a break?  huh?  but No!  always, work, work, work anyway:  now to find more adventures/markets to conquer: the ways of the secular world are threatening traditional murder American values and we must bomb (sic) together to ward off those non-believers who say that when a man lays with another man it is a freedom of lifestyle choice and not as the word of the lord makes it an abomination! 
marketplace advertising link here links notes and pops in: chat pop put chat pop out chat settings help Activities Mind Reading, psychic stalking, using Ouija Boards, Practicing Idolatry, defiling, smashing pumpkins, looking bored, running around in circles, hoarding money, being miserable, drinking, drugs use, blaspheming, and praying for nuclear war

characters main:  Hallucination and Illusion  Setting:  your Imagination  Plot:  conspiracy  

Time: the present moment
If you are an [deleted], looking to find out about me, you came to the right spot; congratulations on your inter net sophistication. Interests: Reading your mind, psychic stalking, talking to the UFO people, making fake crop circles, circulating false information about George Washington Carver, Cashing in on Jesus, Life on other Planets, getting my girl going, praying for corporate republican interests, watching television commercials, praying for another Republican Oil Man for President..
You are on-line, or off-line. You are off-line, go on-line and get a job you little bastard.

What are you doing right now? On Thursday - clear edit Anthony notifications See All No new notifications. Brenda M Falk tagged you in the note "High school memories". About an hour ago Tamil Ed el wrote you a thank you note. 15 hours ago

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