Wednesday, December 4, 2019

My Famous List Video--Director's Cut

I went out one day, to do some shopping in the woods.  I found 7 bizarre things that will blow your mind, and cure you of your donkey cancer of the brain!  So grab some popcorn, settle in for the evening, because it's going to be a wild ride!

red and yellow sunflowers
Hey you kids, stay off my lawn!

Okay, now, the moment you've all been waiting for!  Lo, I present The List (Director's Cut):

1)  Tree

2)  More tree
3)  Squirrel-neck
4)  UFO
5)  Crop circle
6)  Sunflower
7)  Even more tree

So there you have it my finely feathered friends.  I hope you enjoyed this video.  Please hit that like and subscribe button, if you want to support my work. However I know I have already failed before I even got started.  Everyone says so. Therefore, I am going to swallow a bottle of sleeping pills and down this cheap bottle of vodka.

Post Script:  Before I die in a few minutes, can anyone tell me why List Videos are so damned popular?  What do you gain by finding out Which 7 Presidents wore Ladies Underwear?  Or, The 7 Most Popular Pancake Syrup Brands that Failed in the 70's?  Why?

Why? Why do you need to know about The Top Seven Times Playboy Models Regretted Eating Breakfast?

Why, O Great Lord of List Videos?

Ah, as Nirvana says's, never mind.
The pills are taking effect--so
As always, thanks for watching
See you on the flip side, braah!

Attention:  Dire Warning Critical Disclaimer Thing 
Son, you will eat that goddamn macaroni and cheese and you will like it! 
--Francis Ford Coppola
film director 
Hi, my name is Anthony and I have been spending years hacking and slashing out the finest short word content available anywhere. This is Setting Puppies on Fire! at Patron, where book junkies go to finance their reading and writing habits! 
At Patreon, you can sponsor content creators who bring you all kinds of wonderful things to do via the world wide web!   
Anthony's Patreon Page
Consider throwing a fellow star child of the universe a few silver coins so I may continue to plant the finest thought forms into the fertile intelligence of the universe! 
Happy readings, and have a wonderful day! 
Disclaimer:   No, don't worry, the puppies were not set on fire.  That would be mean.

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