Friday, December 6, 2019

Henry Rollins Unlicensed Poetry Massacre

"103:  August.  There's a man in an apartment, he's sweating and out of his mind.  He spreads the classified section on the kitchen and goes into the living room.  He picks a baby up out of a crib that's in the corner and takes it over to the sink.  He takes its diaper off and runs the kid under cold water.  He places the crying child on the newspaper.  He takes a knife and hacks the kid into fist-sized chunks.  He takes the whole thing to the window and throws it out.  It lands on the sidewalk.  He looks down at all the people freaking out and staring back up at him.  He closes the window, washes his hands and goes back t to the television which is always on..."

guy smoking and reading poetry

I recited from the book
French Dressings & Other Oddities

It is Read Out Loud Our Favorite Books Nite
at my house

I had some friends over
sitting around my living room
which walls were windows
to the outside world, hung over a ravine
lush with a deep stream and trees and
all kinds of verdant vegetation
"out in the sticks," as they say

"Huh, that was an interesting piece
about hacking up a crying baby.
Maybe his girlfriend was out scoring
heroin and she hooked up with
some Sunday Loser and she left her baby
with him and then he got really annoyed"

said Jessica, my girlfriend's friend who
worked in accounting, "I don't agree with
putting the baby in the newspapers, I would
have at least dried him off with a towel first."

"what, and ruin a perfectly good towel?"
asked the other Jessica, of no relation."

"I agree.  Babies are terrible, especially
when you just leave them lying around.
I agree this guy just got fed up with the
kicking and screaming and crying while
trying to watch his favorite show on the
televisions machines." quipped Mark
Wahlberg, with his finely chiseled
face glasses

"Oh Mark Wahlberg you always say that."

"It's my answer to this Henry Rollins
riposte.  Give me another hit of that."

Just then a knock on our very secluded


"Okay,  who could that be, this in invitation only"

I got the door

"This is the FBI.  We have a warrant
enforcing federal laws about giving
poetry readings without a licence."

"Son of a bitch, you have got to be

"No sir.  Put the book down now!
You are under arrest!"

I laid my copy of
Exploding Ducks,
American Style Mass Shootings
& Other Poems

My guests started scattering
Looking for a place to hide
Mark Wahlberg hid behind the
kitchen counter
Both Jessicas
hid behind the drapes

"is there anyone here with you?" asked
the long arm of the law.


they didn't believe me and searched
the premise while I turned on the television

"the report is 67 dead 133 wounded in
this latest mass shooting in the United

One of the brainless feds
who was watching TV with me:
"Sad, isn't it?  Too bad there
is nothing law enforcement can

"Yes, your arms are certainly tied
You are off enforcing poetry laws."

"I know.  We are brave heroes."

"Right.  Crazy Charlie over there
can amass an arsenal of firearms
and buy a container ship worth of
booze, but if I smoke weed, the world
is coming to an end, right?"

"Think of all the children you hurt
when you buy weed!  Think.  Of.
the.  Children!"

"Oh go fuck yourself, asshole."

The End

Attentions of Dire Warnings Critical Disclaimer & Things of that Nature:

'If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships - the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace."

--Artur Axmann

the German Nazi national leader (Reichsjugendführer) of the Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend)

Hi, my name is Anthony and I have been spending years hacking and slashing out the finest short word content available anywhere. This is Setting Puppies on Fire! at Patreon, where book junkies go to finance their reading and writing habits!

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Happy readings, and have a wonderful day!