Friday, September 14, 2018

Ramona and Brett

Romana and Brett where sitting down to dinner one fine spring morning.  However, Brett was filled with piss and vinegar because he didn't get the promised promotion at his job.  Instead, it went to Old  Larry, whom Brett hated.  Larry had borrowed one of Brett's pens last week that his mother gave him for Christmas.

"That asshole never even returned my pen!"  Brett shrieked at his dinner plate, consisting of mashed potatoes and a meat patty.  "I've worked at this company, coming in early and staying late for 13 years, and what do I get?  Nothing!" 

Ramona was the parking attendant where Brett worked, and she saw him every day.  Her dream was to either work in the hospitality industry or find a job as a costume designer for a production company.   

Brett's mom, Clara Holmes, worked as an assistant manager in a gas station for a huge oil company.  She would come home smelling of stale coffee and gasoline, but she always gave her only son a box of pens for Christmas.  In years to come, Brett would go on to become a regional administrator in an office, and he was able to utilize the pens in his spare time.  He would make sketches of kids flying kites and whatever.  The pens were always blue ink.  And so, all the kids flying kites were blue, too. 

Brett smashed his hands down on the dinner that Romana had made.  Then he took a handful of mashed potatoes and flung them at the wall.  Potato and meat patty  matter went everywhere.  Brett started to cry uncontrollably. 

Ramona got up from her iced tea and put her arms around Brett.  "Hush, sweetheart.  Well make this all okay for you.  Don't you believe in me?" 

Brett looked up from his destroyed mashed potatoes and meat patty.  "It's not fair!  Just because Larry is the second cousin of the head regional manager..."  Brett started wailing again.

Ramona knew Old Larry from her parking lot attendant job.  The next day, she took down his license plate, and then found out where he lived via DMV records. She then put on a black suit, got in her BMW and went to pay Old Larry a visit.

The next day in the news, it was reported that the police were baffled by a seeming random execution of an Up-And-Coming-Regional Bank Manager of a financial banking institution that everyone hated, but used any way. 

"It will be our top priority to find the criminal.  Our police department will not rest until we can make sure that all Bank Managers are kept safely protected.  After all, they contribute a lot of money to our Cop Shop Unions"

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